Dr. Sellechio is a lifelong Warwick resident and has been practicing optometry in Rhode Island
since 2002. He received his doctorate with clinical honors from the New England College of
Optometry in Boston. He received his bachelors degree in biology from Rhode Island College
after having graduated from Bishop Hendricken High School in Warwick. Dr. Sellechio provides
comprehensive family eye care with a focus on management of ocular disease including
infections, glaucoma, diabetic eye care, and retinal disease. He also provides complete contact
lens care, including specialty contact lenses. He is Clinical Instructor of Optometry with the
New England College of Optometry, and an Affiliated Professor of Optometry with the
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, the Illinois College of Optometry, and
Midwestern University. He teaches optometry to interns and residents from these schools at the
Providence VA Medical Center and is a member of the National Association of VA Optometrists.
When not looking at eyes, he likes spending time in the outdoors canoeing, hiking, or
snowshoeing. He also enjoys bowling and golf and is a photographer and woodworker.